"What are you, crazy?" Berfin
"Made of honor. A frient to count on. Growing up as an only child made me value Berfin even more, she is my sister, someone to lean on when I am feeling low. She puts her friends needs before her own, a selfless goofball. She bring my life so much warmth and happiness" - Reeja
"I really want a Lunchable." - David
"My brother David. Always Dependable. He is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obdident, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent." - Timothy
"I'm not crazy!" - Cherry
"Cherry and I got a every pacman ghosts from Round1. She is a good friend from college. She has a crazy and fun personality but she is also crazy about her friends, checking on them and making sure everthing is okay." - Reeja
"You drowned me on land!" - Christian
"One time I invited Chistian over to my house cut bottles using fire and nail polish remover. And it worked really well. I wish one of us still had scars from that day to show but we had a lot of safety equipment around. I feel oil lamped by a situation where two boys go into the backyard to play with fire and come back not only fine but gaining insight and knowledge." - Timothy
"I think she's crazy" - Rachel
"Rachel has been one of my oldest friends, and we have seen eachother through every phase and era. We have so much shared history together it is hard to think about my life before we knew each other. Even though there has always been many miles between, she has always just been a text away and I alway know I will be able to reach her." - Reeja
"Pokémon." - Shanth
"My cousin and my best friend. Taught me everything I know about Pokemon." - Timothy
"Ketchup." - Mark
"My eldest and wisest brother. A man of myth and legend." - Timothy
"If its good for flavor its good for me" - Andrew
"My youngest older brother." - TImothy